Homophobic Halfwits: They Exist
Greetings Gentle Beings!
Today, I want to talk about those individuals that
hate homosexuals and homosexual lifestyles for a living. These people may be people
in your social circle, family, or even strangers that thrive off giving their
opinion on homosexuality UNPROVOKED. That is right—I am talking about the same
people you may find yourself arguing with about THEIR OWN personal values and
how you should probably agree with them because it is ONLY “RIGHT”. If you are
like me, you may look at these people and say: “Wow, you must be REALLY stupid.
I feel very sorry for you because of close-minded life you live.” Well today, I
am here to tell you that science proves something that most of us already knew:
Homophobes ARE stupid.

I know you are probably thinking to yourself: ‘But Mariah,
we already knew this. It is not rocket science.’ Like the logical and
intellectual individual I am, I COMPLETELY agree with you. I, too, feel like a
person’s intentional ignorance does not need an explanation. Even still, having
scientific basis for stupidity is not only important, but necessary.
According to findings from the University of
Queensland in Australia, lower cognitive ability indicates the likelihood of
homophobic tendencies and beliefs. Researchers at the University of Queensland
initially used a 2012 household, income and labor survey to “measure cognitive
intelligence”. Then, researchers compared these responses to an updated version
of the intelligence survey that focused on opinions about LGBTQ Rights. The
updated survey introduced agree/disagree statements such as “Homosexual couples
should have the same rights as heterosexual couples do”. It turns out that individuals
that responded more negatively to questions and statements about LGBTQ Rights also
tended to “score lower on the cognitive intelligence abilities”. This implies
that higher cognitive functioning is extremely important in terms of holding
logical beliefs and forming intelligent arguments. It seems homophobic people
just aren’t there yet.
I shared this information with you all not only to
make you laugh, but to make you feel better about yourselves when there are people
in your environment that are spewing hate and ignorance. Whether you are a
member of the LGBTQ community or just an ally, nobody wants to hear a bunch of
unintelligible banter about how someone else’s lifestyle should be condemned. That,
in itself, screams a lack of personal development.
In this space, I aim to spread positivity and knowledge
that will make us all better people for the future. To all the homophobes: It
is never too late to change your ways. As the world evolves, there are things
about us that need to evolve too. I ENCOURAGE you to change your ways while you
can because life is too short to hold such hate and poison in your mind, body
and soul. If you do not wish to change—that is on you. You can stay STUPID, and
I will stay PROUD!
I am who I am for a reason and no reason at all. Be
Gentle. Be Kind. Be PROUD.
Article Link: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2021/02/stupid-people-likely-homophobic-according-science/
About author
College intellectual with an impending degree and desire for more knowledge.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I completely agree with the information that you are putting out there. It is terrible that people can be so rude in 2021. It is nice to hear that you don't care about anyone else's negative opinion and that you are going to keep living your life however you want no matter what anyone else thinks. I think that is very cool that you have your mindset. Sometimes I find it hard for me to have that mindset 24/7 but good for you for being so positive and living your life to the fullest. I enjoy reading your posts by the way! Have a great rest of your day.
I really like what you talked about because I often wonder myself why people hate homosexuals so much. To me it's just doesn't make sense because what others do should not affect you at all especially if they are not hurting anybody. Especially in modern day we still have so many trials and tribulations that we go through like it is the early 90s but yet we're in 2021 and things are not getting any better.People want to act as if things are getting better but they truthfully are not and the hatred seems like a grows stronger every single day. It is quite honestly very infuriating and your blog post really touched me and I wanted you to know that
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your post. I will never understand why people judge others different than themselves and why they feel that it effects them. I think that we as a society are much more accepting of others than we were 30 years ago. However, like you said, it is still a huge issue and it not solved whatsoever. I really like how you view this from a positive stand point and not shaming those uneducated on the topic but rather encourage others by saying it is never too late to change your ways. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThis is a type of person I never understood. I don't understand how a person can be so hateful towards someone's personal choice. Personally, I think homophobes became more present with the last presidency. People decided to be openly hateful and try to back it up with their religion. Your passion for this topic shines through in your writing.